Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Malaria Meds...Good Grief!!

After work yesterday,  I stopped by Walgreens to pick up my prescriptions. The insurance FINALLY approved 10 months of malaria medication, so I expected to pick up 60 pills of Cipro (infections), 2 doses of Fluconazole (yeast infections), and 320 pills of Doxycycline. I roll up to the Walgreens window and asked for my prescriptions. Here is our conversation:

Good afternoon, welcome to Walgreens. How can I help you?
Hello. I am picking up prescriptions for Jamie Cardwell.
What is your date of birth, address?
3/20/77, 6427 Winona Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63109
That will be $15.
Wait, what? It should be about $60-70. What prescriptions do you have?"
I have Cipro, Fluconazole, Doxycycline.
How many pills of the Dioxyclene were authorized?
90 days worth
Could you please check the prescription again because my insurance authorized 10 months worth of medicine?
Sure. Oh yes, it does say 10 months here. Okay, it will take me 5-10 minutes to fill the prescription.
Okay. I don't have time to wait for it right now, but I will come back later. Could I go ahead and get the other two prescriptions?
Sure. No problem.

Once I received the medicine, I noticed that there was only one prescription in the bag. When, I buzzed her again, she had forgotten to put the Cipro back in the bag after counting it. Good grief!

So, today I called to find out the status of the rest of my meds. The pharmacist told me that because they had lost power on Monday, their systems are still trying to catch up with all of the orders. She also said that she has no idea when the prescription will be filled because she is having a hard time finding the tablets instead of the capsules. Apparently the capsules melt in the heat and make the medicine ineffective. I wonder if I will ever get my malaria meds? To be continued...

From Teacher to Administrator

I have been an administrator now for about two years. Before that I taught for 18 years. It has been a difficult switch, to say the least be...